Harvest, 2020-2021

Interconnected works focused on the practice of harvesting biomatter for scientific, commercial, and economic interests. Four interactive expressions take the framework of the Surrealist exquisite corpse, puzzles, and/or card games to animate the various creatures being harvested, dismantled and extracted for human purposes.

Harvest Website

Website: https://exquisitebiocorpse.glitch.me

Exquisite Bio-Corpse, 2020 – interactive sculpture game, mix and match pieces to make hybrid creatures

Foam clay and toothpicks, set of 12 miniature pieces of flora and fauna (approx 2x3x1cm to 4x6x3cm each)

Exquisite Bio-Corpse, 2021 – interactive sculpture game, mix and match pieces to make hybrid creatures

Glazed porcelain, set of 9 miniature pieces of flora and fauna (approx 3x3x2cm to 4x6x4cm each)

Harvest Card Game

The Card game is part role playing (based on various stakeholders in the bioprospecting system and part chance.

Player ID and Character Cards:  Bio Organism (Category 1)

World Bank (Category 2)

Scientist(Category 3)

Action Cards, Bio Organism Cards, Losses and Gains Cards



6yrs and up
As many as can fit comfortably around a table/area
Approx. 60-90 minutes
cards/role playing/strategy

Roles (IDs) belong to categories which have specific agendas, various goals/ways of winning
Overall Goal/s to accumulate various points based on ID:
Bio Points, Victory Points, Money

To Play

    1. Draw ID card
    2. Refer to character description card
    3. In turns, draw action cards
      • These indicate action
      • Use dice to determine value/number of items/degree of change or event
      • Indicate multiplier for money/bio organisms/etc

Category 1: community/collective goal
Bio organisms, other animals/plants, local communities
Goal is to create a balanced echo system that includes healthy communities, growth opportunities, mutual protection, and staying alive

Bio Points: drawing cards, draw same species – can multiply, draw different species – hybrid (multiply abilities)
Victory Points: dismantling a corporation, destroying infrastructure

Category 2: Corporation
Pharmaceutical, biotech, financial, etc
Goal is to accumulate as much money (accumulate Bio points only for strategic purposes of selling/trading/alliance building), build monopolies, bankrupt other businesses, etc

(Bio Points: drawing cards, purchasing, take over other institution)
Money: draw cards, take over other institution, sell bio points

Category 3: other
activists, scientists, universities
Draw card to determine alignment with Category 1 or Category 2